Our sisterhood chairs plan multiple events each semester that offer opportunities to get to know more of our sisters and help create that everlasting bond ESA strives for.
Supportive Sister Nominations
Every week our chaplain has the role of reading supportive sister notes. Any member of Epsilon Sigma Alpha has the opportunity to write to the chaplain about any sister that has helped them get through the week. This could be random shout-outs to a sister that did a random act of kindness, or a sister that was there for you during a rough week.
The ladies of Epsilon Sigma Alpha are "a head above the rest." We pride ourselves on what we can and have done for others. As a sorority, we decided "kindnEsΣ mAtters" is an important initiative we want to take part in. Although we have the power to raise funds for deserving organizations, sometimes our smaller actions and positive attitudes towards others are just as powerful. ESA challenges YOU to put others first and make someone's day just as great as yours.
2010 - present
2010 - present